Oral surgery is a term that encompasses a range of treatments offered by dentists, oral surgeons and oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Maxillofacial means relating to the jaw or face.
Routine procedures such as simple tooth extraction can be carried out by your general dentist; however you may be referred to our in-house Oral Surgeon for more complex surgical treatments such as wisdom tooth removal, or dental implants.
Oral Surgeons provide treatment for problems relating to the jaw and face. Dentists that specialise in this area of treatment can help patients with a huge range of concerns. Here are some of the most common treatments requiring oral surgery:
Get in Touch
For more information about Oral Surgery treatment, please get in touch to arrange an appointment by calling us on 0115 960 2717 or by completing our Online Appointment Request Form »
Get in TouchFind out how we can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums, and a fresh breath, with regular dental hygiene treatment! |
Credit AvailableIf your treatment is over £500 then Credit may be available to you to help spread payments over several months. Please ask us for more information. Subject to Status. Terms and Conditions apply. |